Looking Back Software engineering has been one of the most fun classes I have taken. Not only was I able to learn great skills like working with javascript and HTML/CSS, but also understand concepts fundamental to software engineering, such as...
Design Patterns - Proven Methods When it comes to problem solving in Software Engineering, the methodology behind it isn’t unexplored territory. There are many different ways to solve a problem and an even wider variety of ways to approach them....
What are ethics? Ethics is the fundamental morals of a person that influences how a person makes decisions. These principles can vary from person to person, and play a huge part in how our society works. When people like doctors...
While asking a question seems like an easy task, it becomes a lot harder when it goes from asking a question, to asking a smart question. Smart questions are important for smart software engineers because it promotes critical thinking and...
Programming has never felt like another check on the homework list for me. It was nice to have classes and assignments where I had the freedom to express myself. Having the luxury of being able to map out all of...